Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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4 7 July 29 5t I di Mt ThSATu july 4t Ti 'f SOI 'Ha W1 Ch july 8 eotf article' ne jy 2m to be 1 I i I I tr I L' 50 00 60 00 5 19 2 de Of si: th hi wi by fin on I felt lak eon: bet pro in i mb 00 50 00 tai loa Te in th du wl do do do dodoio 70 at do 50 25 90 25 2 00 25 Behr Do Do Do Do Do Do ri th of Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Ian eat Pior 1 Pm mt dal ths bo dr in Ti 'St pa an BU ki re dn Eg to 00 00 mi Ct th nb TOO fa ria Do I 11 by rei rot ed ya wi ait is Pb fr ne of du all ca to $9075 50 for their interest to pay essential to those who HALLOWELL JAMES TRAQUAIR HALLOWELL A LITTLE Wi ISWENEY HUTCHINSON 9 23 Me in? wo a it chi the Pei an Pa or Co Ha an 'ref pre of I WASHINGTON AND ALEXANDK1A are 5 cents Carriages at very low TTUiTC rateK The Steameri GEORGE WASHING TON and THOMAS COLLYER will on and after this date run at the above rates JOB CORSON' SAMUEL GEDNEY Captains THOMAS CiDONN WM LORD: WHEELER Commissioners Intermediate aget at proportionate rates and these premi ums may bo made annually semi annually or quar terly at the option of the assured Buys and sells Annuities Sells Endowments for children Makes Contracts in which lifeor the interest of money is In volved HENRY THOMPSON Secretary 1 CHARLES PAIRO Agent for the" Baltimore Life In surance Company would call public attention to the reduced rates of premium now charged All Premiums or Policies in the District to be pud at his office corner of and 15th streets where applications for new policies can be made mar 1 tf i 50000 WORTH HEAL AND PERSONAL Estate fur the People 'fi MAGNIICENT LIBERAL EQUITABLE' AND CERTAIN GREAT SOUTHERN MAT! Twice dally between Washington and the South ria redericksburg Richmond Petersburg Va Weldon and Wilmington to Charleston and Augusta Os being the only route over which the Great Southern Mail is carried The travel ling public is hereby informed that the swift and comfortable i Steamers '4 HOPKINS A Importers of rench Window Glass No 61 Barclay street 1 HENRY EMALE COLLEGE THE Subscriber Principal and Proprietor of the Henry emale College desires to secure the services of a young man a graduate of some college pr theological school of the highest moral and Religious character te give instruc tion in Elocution and Sacred Music to conduct a Sabbath sehoeL reserving to himself a portion of bis time for reading and study and if a candidate for the ministry to engage in the duties of the pulpit in any Evangelical communion Also I desire to employ a lady of finished education ma ture age Of polished manners in all respects a model of men tal moral and social excellence as teacher of young ladies or such services the highest remuneration will be paid AddrftM ouJUIJUl july Im Newcastle Kentucky Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday November Wednesday Wednesday or freight or passage apply to EDWARD COLLINS No 56 Wkll street New York ON and after Monday next the Trains will leave Baltimore for Washington daily except Sundays at 4i A and 5 and 8 On Sundays at 4J A and 5 Will leave Washington for Baltimore at 6 and 8J Aj and 3 and 5 1 On Sundays at 6 A and 5 ARE: Washington to Baltimore 51 Do and return 2 Washington to Annapolis 1 VW The round trip tickets must in all eases be procured at the office' and aro good for the day upon which they are issued june 24 dtf ARRANGEMENTS haring been made with the of the new and splendid steamer GEORGE PAGE to run between Alexandria and Washington a distance of six miles in connexion with the trains on this and the Washington Railroads the following schedule will take effect on and after Thursday June 1 1854 1 A Train from Alexandria to Gordonsville and intermediate Stations will leave the Depot corner of Duke and Henry streets at 7 A on the arrival of the Boat from Washington giving ample time for Breakfast on board ar riving at Gordonsville at 10j o'clock connecting at that pises with the trains on the Virginia Central Railrcad to Richmond Charlottesville and Staunton A' Train from Gordonsville to Alexandria and intermediate Stations will leave Gordonsville at 11 o'clock on the arrival of the care on the Virginia Central Road arriving at Alexan dria at half past 2 thus allowing time to connect with the trains leaving "Washington for the North and for Vinner on board the Boat A Train from Alexandria to Warrenton and intermediate stations will leave Alexandria daily (Sunday excepted) at 3 5I arriving at Warrenton at 5 On Sunday will leave at 7 A Train from Warrenton to Alexandria and intermediate sta tions will leave Warrenton daily (Sunday 'excepted) at a quarter before 7 A arriving at Alexandria at half past 9 A On Sunday will leave at a quarter past 12 Aluvllgll IKikCWe To Warrenton $2 Gordonsville 3 Charlottesville 4 Staunton 5 Lynchburg 7 Luray I New Market 5 Nf 1 rilchil rr 2 Passengers for Luray and New Market witi take the Train leaving Alexandria at 7 A on Tuesdays thursdays and Saturdays connecting with the stages at Cul peper Passengers for Lynchburg will take the train leaving Alexandria at 7 A on Mondays Wednesdays and ridays connecting with the stages at Charlottesville esa Passengers for the White Sulphur Springs will take thetnun leaving Alexandria daily connecting With the stages at Staunton i reight Trains are running daily Bundays excepted Per order BROCKETT may 31 tf Agent PAPER WAREHOUSE zSYRUS IELD A CO II Cliff street Import Vz ers and Wholesale Dealers in American rench Ger and English Papers and every description of Paper Manufacturers' Materials 44 I COMMEKC1AL COLLEGE "I Located No I7 Baltimore sreet Baltimore MI THE ostensible object of this institution is to place in' the reach of individuals proper facilities for obtaining a thorough and practical mercantile education A young man can here obtain a more correct knowledge of general business matters in a few weeks than can be acquired in as many years in any one counting house I The course of study embraces Double entry Book keeping 'and its adaptation to various deparunentepf Commerce and Trale Mercantile Calculations taught' according to the most approved method Practical Penmanship combining rapidity of execution with beauty or construction Lectures on Mercantile Law upon various important subjects beside many other points necessary for a book keeper or business man tounderstand The time necessary for an Industrious student to complete the course varies from five tojeight weeks There i being no vacation applicsmts can enter at any time and at tend both day and evening Examinations aro held at stated periods and diplomas awarded to those who graduated er 1 terms Ao write and have acircular forwarded by mail nov 16 ly A IN EXPRESS ESi 1 I EDWARDS SANORD A co oreign Express No 36 Broadway Goods and packages forwarded to and from all parts of the world Agents in Washington Adams A Co tt 7'l I gentlemens firnishing goods I HATCH A CO I 1 (Vy William street New York Manufacturers aad Import 7 on of Shirts Stocks Cravats Gloves Suspenders Ho siery Ac i 1 I 1'7 7' i ilATS URS Ac THOMPSON a ROESLER No 14 Maiden jLane Im porters and MaDQfaetureri of urs and wholesale Deal ers in Hate Straw Goods Ac 1 TTGGINS a KELLOGG No 88 John atreeL Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers and Manufactu rereof all kinds of Blank Books 5 'I i SAES Im PATRICK Defiance Salamander Sales and Defiance Leeks and Cross Bars Depot 192 Pearl street 1 TOYS AND ANCY GOODS I CHARLES ZINN de CO Importers of rench and Gorman ancy Baskets No 52 Maiden Lane (uegr Wil street) New York i 7 marlQJ PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned until 12 on Thursday the 3d day of August for trimming and gravelling street between 14th and 15th streets west the gravel to bo nine inches in the: centre and six on the sides ana raked of all improper size stone and well rolled with a heavy roller i Bidders will state the price per 'aquaro'yard for gravelling including trimming the work to be done to the satisfaction of the Commissioners Bids to be left at the Mayor's office GEO HARKNESS 7 Commissioner of the irst and Second Wards CHESTER WALBRIDGE BIRCH july 27 it I Assistant Commissioners PROPOSALS will bo received by tho undersigned until 12 on Thursday the 3d day of August for grading IS th street west from street north to tho Canal and part of street between 17th and 18th streets west Bidders will state the price per cubic yard for grading and filling only will bo paid for Any information that may be be required will be given by the Commissioner i Bids to be left at the Mayor's office i GEO HARKNESS Commissioner irst and Second Wards THOS CARBERY MICHAEL SHANKS I Assistant Commissioners' MH nt Health Restored and Life Lengthened by DR INVIGORATING ELIXIR OR CORDIALAT firat the properties attributed to Professor Morse Invigorating Elixir or Cordial were deemed fabulous The public often deceive could not believe the simple and sublime truths announced by the discoverer But facts un deniable facte attested by witnesses of the highest class and character aro now triumphing over all doubt incredulity it overthrown by mass of testimony which is perfectly irresistible I The Elixir remedies in all cases thd deplorable evils aris ing from a misuse or abuse of the various organawhich make up the wonderful machine called man It restores to full vigor every delicate function connected with that mysterious compound agency of matter and mind neceasary to the re productitm of hwnan life of feeble muscular frame or deficient in vital power itis recommended as the only means of communicating that energy which is necessa ry to the proper enjoyment ofbjl the natural appetites as well as the higher mental Its beneficial effects are not confined to either sex or to any age The feeble girl the ailing wife the listless enervated youth the over worn man of business the victim of nervous depression the individual suffering from general debility or from the weak ness of a single organ will all fin1 immediate and permanent relief from the use of this incomparable renovator To those who have a predisposition to paralysis it will prove a com plete and unfailing safeguard against 'that terrible malady There are many perhaps who have so trifled with their coni stitutions that they thatfk themselves beyond the reach of medicine Let not evnj these despair The Elixir deals with dieeaee ae itexUte without reference to causes and will not only remove the disorder it elf but REBUILD THE'BROKEN CONSTITUTION The derangements of the system leading to nervous dis eases and the forms of nervous disease itself are so numer ous that it would require a column to enumerate the mala dies for which this preparation is a specific A few how ever may bo enumerated vis Neuralgia Tic Dolereaux Headache Incipient Paralysis Hysteria Palpitation of the Heart Spinal Afiections Mus9 eular Debility Tremors latulence a Pricking Sensation'in the lesh Numbness Torpidity of the Liver Mental De pression Weakness of the Will Indisposition to Move aint ness after Exercise Broken Sleep and Terrifying Dreams Inability to Remain in one Place or Position Weakness of the Procreative Organs Sexual Incompetency Melancholy Monomania luor Al bus Sinking at the Stomach emale Irregularities a Chronic Tendency to Miscarriage Emacia tion and all out of a free indulgence of the passions and all Barrenness that does not proceed from organic causes beyond the reach of medicine Whenever the organs to be acted upon are free from mal formation or strictural disease it is averred that INVIGORATING ELIXIR will replace weakness with strength incapacity with efficien cy irregularity with uniform and natural activity and this not only without hazard of reaction but with a happy effect on the general organization i Bear in mind that all maladies wherever they begin finish with the nervous system and that the paralization of th nerves of motion and sensation is physical death Bear in mind also that for every kind of nervous disease th Elixir Cordial is the only reliable preparation known I CURE NERVOUS DISEASES No language can convey an adequate idea of the imme diate and almost miraculous change which it occasions in the diseased debilitated and shattered nervous system whetoer broken down by excess weak by nature or impaired by sick ness the unstrung and relaxed organization is at once bratfed revivified and built up Th mental and physical symptoms of nervous disease vanish together under its influence Nor is the effect temporary on tbe contrary the relief is perma nent for the cordisl properties of the medicine reach the constitution itself and restore it to its normal condition Well nfity the preparation be called MEDICINAL WONDER of the nineteenth century It is as the first scientific ma in the world would have admitted that miracle of medicine heretofore supposed to have no existence 1 A STIMULANT THAT ENTAILS NO REACTION 1 Its force is never expanded as is the case with opium al coholic preparations and all other excitants The effect of these is brief and it may well be said of him wh6 takes them The last state of that man is worse than the first" But the Elixir is an exhilarant without a single drawback eafe jn its operation perpetual In its happy influence upon the nerves the mind and the entire organization it will also remove depressions excitement a tendency to blush sleep lessness dislike of society incapacity for study or business LOSS MEMORY i Confusion Giddiness Rush of Blood to the Head Melancho ly Mental Debility Hysteria Wretchedness Thoughts of Self destruction ear of Insanity Hypochondriasis Dyspep sia General Prostration Irritability Nervousness Inability to Sleep Diseases Incident to emales Decay of the propa gating unctions Hysteria Monomania Vague Trrors Pal pitation of the Heart Impotency Constipation Ac from IB AV AW AAKA A A A ZV A WA aw PMI 1 BZanM I nuaiutci vauDC a uvxv io placed on auman testimony absolutely iniauioie PERSONS PALE COMPLEXION or consumptive haBits aro restored by the use of a bottle twe to bloom and vigor changing the skin from a pale yel low sickly color to a beautiful florid complexion INVIGORATING ELIXIR I is presented as a phenomena in the materia medica hitherto unheard of a stimulant without a reaction mK 11 Ln a KdkATI AH (Bite juffucru wuiuu luruis iui uuuu lugrcuieuu ted by all the great medical and pharmaceutical inititutient of Europe to be in this respect generis Dr Morse whose name is an undisputed authority in sciences discovered th production in Arabia where his at tention was excited by' the wonderfully invigorating effects It produced upon the natives In fact the wonderful power of endurance the exhaustless vigor exhibited by the Arab of both sexes in their desert pilgrimages is attributable to the use of this vitalizing herb CAUTION i DR INVIGORATING CORDIAL jhas been counterfeited by some unprincipled persons In future all the genuine Cordial will have' the proprietors fao simile pasted over the cork of each bottle and tho follow ing words blown in the glass MORSE'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL" XC RING Proprietor New York 1 I jear Th Cordial is put up highly concentrated in pint bottles Price $3 per bottle two for 55 six for $12 RING Proprietor 192 Broadway Bold by Druggists throughout the United States Canadas and West Indies 7 i AGENTS Dl GILMAN 'Washington 8 HANCE Baltimore AHLBORM A CO Nos 54 Maiden lane (up (J stairs) and 29 Liberty street Importers of Toys and ancy Goods 7 7 Jan 16 ly TILES OR LOORS AND CHIMNEY TOPS1t TILLER COATES A YOULE No 279 Pearl Jyl street Encaustic Tiles Garnkijrk Chimney Tops Plumb Materials Metals Ae 7 OURTH WARD ELECTION NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a special election will be held 'at the City Hall on Thursday the 3d day of August 1854 for one member of the Board of Common Council to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Henshaw Esq The polls will be opened at 10 A and closed at 7 clock TklK AifiVt YOKK ANU L1VEHEUUL UN1TKD STATES MAIL STEAMERS The ships comprising this line are the following The ATLANTIC Capt West The PACIIC Capt Rye The ARCTIC Capt Luce The BALTIC A Capt Comstock The ADRIATIC Capt These ships having been built by contrac expressly for Government service every care has been taken tn their construction as also in their engines to ensure strength ana speed ana tneir sl oommodations for passengers aro unequalled for elegance and oomfort Price of passage from New York to Liverpool infirst $120 in second cabin $70 Exclusive use of extra size state rooms $300 rom Liverpool to New York i SO and £20 No berths can be secured until paid for 7 narzi or axiune 7 1854 1 I rtstn Aiesrrqol Augpsti September 6 September 20 October 4Ocijober IS Noyember 1 Noi'ember 15 November 29 December J3 December 27 ENGRAVERS I I WHITNEY JOCELYN A ANNIN Artists and Engravers on Wood Nos 58 and 60 ulton street inest and best work done here 1 1 11 1 PKO POSED 1854 rom Jfevs York AugustAugust Sentember 16 September 30 October 14 October 28 November 11 iNovember 25 December 9 December 23' BROWN SHIPLEY A CO Liverpool STEPHEN KENNARD A CO 27 Austin ns London MONROE A CO 25 Rue Notre Dame des Victoires fan GEORGB DRAPER Havre i The owners of these ships will nofl be silver bullion specie jewelry precteus Jireof less bill of lading are signed therefor and thsvalue thereot 1 expressed therein AMERICAN HOUSE BOSTON WITH the addition is the largest and best ar ranged hotel in New England and the Subscriber begsleave to call attention to its magnificent arrangements andsuperior accommodations The furniture is made to combine utility and convenience with luxurious ease and comfortThe drawing rooms are most elegantly appointed the suits of rooms well arranged for families and large travelling par ties the sleeping apartments commodious and well venti lated and a large proportion of them supplied with Cochituate water and gas Every effort will be made by the proprietor to contribute to the comfort of his guests while sojourning at his house LEWIS RICE Proprietor Boston June 28 1854 july 1 'eo3m UAUT1MUKE LIE INSURANCE COMPANY No 15 South Struct JOHN I DONALDSON Pzmiwit THIS COMPANY proposes to insure lives for one or more years or for life at the rkdcccb rates specified in ths following table being as low as safety to the assured hnd to the Company would justify with these rates the assured enjoys the benefit of an immediate in lieu of a prosuectiee and uncertain bonus He risks neither hie policy nor the premiumthat he hsu paid insurance on Lives on every Hundred Dollars TO SENATORS and Members of the House ol Representatives A gentleman who has had twenty experience as a parliamentary legal and genei al re porter both in Europe and America having several leisure hours each day proposesto devote them to the service of any gentleman having writing to do either fur the press or of any other description Desiring some modq of employing those hours until the adjournment of the present session of Con gress he is perfectly indifferent as to the character of the writing he may be required to perform and will perform it upon the most reasonable terms Communications addressed to at Mrs corner of 4J street and Missouri avenue will meet with prompt attention References of the highest order feb 1 tf HUNKS TRUNKS TRUNKS I We respectfully call the attention of the travelling community to our large and superior stock of Trunks which we have just re ceived from the manufacturers 1 Dress Trunks and Hat Boxes Dress Trunks iron frame qliowood do Also Valises CarpetBags Satchels1 Ac All of which wo will sell at the lowest New York prices 4 DOWNS HUTCHINSON Athcnwum Building near our and a half street eod6t Now York Alexandria Washington and Georgetown A (J KE IB AIRAX Penfield Master! EMPIRE Rufus Knapp STATESMAN Cathell WASHINGTON1 Kendrick SENATOR Kirby HAMILTON A Dayton ailTTNaTnM II Lewis Do ARCTIC ueorge iviison uo The above packets having returned their weekly trips ship pers are notified that one of them will positively clear frvui New York on every Saturday (er oftener if necessary) and that this punctuality may be depended upon during the yearutil interrupted by ice 1 STURGES CLEARMAN A CO 110 Wallstreet New York SHINN A SON Alexandria marfcr lv 4 A DODGE Georgetown WASHINGTON BRANCH KAILKOAD Change of Hours between Washington Baltimore leave the Steamboat wharf at Washington daily at 6 A anil 7 for Aquia Creek where a connexion is madewith the trains of the Richmond redericksburg and Poto mac Railroad Company by which passengers are conveyed directly on to their respective destinations via Richmond Virginia' The following through tickets can be obtained on board: To redericksburg Va $3 0 To Junction of Virginia Central 62J To Richmond Va 5 50 To Norfolk Va 00 To Petersburg Va 6 To Weldon C5t :7 Tp Wilmington 11 are ou the Potomac river as follows or each passenger To Alexandria 25 cents and baggage 12J cents To Marbury's ti $1 To Quantico Sandy Point 4c 1 To Aquia Creek 2 Meals and State Rooms extra or further information apply on board of the boats or ft GEO MATTINGLY Agent mar 30 ly' in Washington KtK MUUNT VEKtUM EUK1 are round trip rom Alexandria 7 cents Arriving in Washington at 3 o'clock The Steamer GEORGE WASHINGTON will make three trips a week on Mondays Wednet days and ridays leaving Washington at 9 and Alexandria at 9 o'clock A Coaches leave the Capitol for the Boat at 81 A Coach fare 10 cents Persons wishing the coschee to call for 'hem will leave their names with Geo 4 Thos Parker 4 Ce Refreshments to be had on beard the boat JOB CORSON Captain SELLING AT Having on hand a very large stock of house furulsbiug articles and in order to reduce stock we will offer great inducements to purchasers Persons in want of goods in our line are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock as it will be found complete Among which may be found in great Walnut rosewood and mahogany Bureaus Rosewood walnut and mahogany Sofas Tete a Tetes and Lolling Divans i Handsome sets Cottage Chamber urniture different colors Mahogany walnut maple and other Chairs in 'great variety I Easy rocking office and other Chairs large assortment Hair shuck and other Mattresses Looking glasses mahogany and gilt frame 7 Rosewood mahogany and walnut marble top and other Tables a large assortment Altogether forming one of the best assortments in theieity all of which will bo sold at tho very lowest price at House urnishing store Seventh etnet between and I july 27 MThS2w and opposite Intelligencer Office OT1CE TO A emale Teacher is much needed in this place A lady who can teach the English branches rench Drawing and Music will meet with liberal encouragement if a female school is opened hero Uprxit Marlborough Junr 26 july dlw 11E KEDLRICK EMAIE SEMINARY la a fully organized emale College chartered and 'in dowed2 with $50 000 by the State of Maryland It is located in rederick city Maryland as healthy and pleasant a tojrn as any in the Southern StatessL I This institution has an able and efficient Board of Profes sors and Teachers nine in number a good Library eicellent Musical Instruments an extensive Chemical and Philosophi cal Apparatus and it is confidently believed that it offers as many facilities for imparting a thorough extensive andjre fined education as any Seminary in the land The school is not sectarian or circulars and further particulars sea Rev Septimus Tustin Washington jy 20 dAcp3m BEHkELE 8RI NG8 Virginia THE HOTEL THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW' ready for company The price of board to each per manent boarder will be with single room or place ia larger one ten dollars per week amilies at the same rate modified by the extent chamber room occupied and the age and condition of its members Board without lodging seven dollars per week Transient visiters two dollars per day or at the rate of twelve dollars per week 'for less than two weeks 1 JOHN STROTHER I juae 3 I rpiIH SCHWARTZ BRANDI recently purchased at JL the sale on Georgetown Heights of the contents of Mr cellar can be had at tho Drug Stores dersigued in Georgetown and WasnTngtqn ivhero atonic and stimulant is proper in the cue of diseases arising from heat debility Ac this article puts all competition at defi ance There Is probably nothing like it iq the District and hardly in the whole country 1 I KIDWELL Georgetown and corner 14th st and Penn avenue Washington urniture varnishing refairing and Jobbing Shop Pennsylvania avenue one door west of Apollo Hall between 13th amd 13 streets Cabinet urniture of all descriptions repaired and varnish ed and put in complete order by experienced and practical workmen Chairs re caned and painted in imitation of the various woods Old Sofas Chairsj Ac re covered Looking glass Plates of various sizes always on hand Prompt attention work done it ought to be and mode rate charges may be confidently relied upon A call is re spectfully solicited july eolm ROBT WALMSLEY rpRAVELLING TRUNKS Valises Hat Boxes I Carpet Bags Satchels Ac Members of Congress and tho travelling community generally wishing to purchase fine medium and low priced travelling and packing Trunks will find an extensive variety of all qualities at our sales rooms WALL 4 STEPHENS Penn avenue between 9th and 10th streets july 29 3t next door to Iron HalL I HOT AIR URNACES 4c 1 I BAVli) CULVER I (Inventor and Patentee) 52 Cliff street Manufacturer and Dealer wholesale and re tail in urnaoes Registers Ventilators Ranges iAc i 1 'I ELASTIC SKIRT8 Patent) 11 BATES I Barclay street opposite tho Astor House New York above splendid and desirable ill: ft Is 4 0 I rriHE Inewark India rubber company No 59 I Maiden Lane New York Manufacturers and hole site Dealers in Patent India Rubber Boots Shoes Whips Clothing Balls Toys Ae UNION INDIA RUBBER COMPANY 41 John street make all kinds of Rubber Clothing! Cloths Druggists Articte 4e to XIGHTNING HODS I Am QUIMBY A SONS Dealera in Improved Reda Office 132 East 27th street and 119 Nassau street 7 1 i I LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE RSAMES TUT WHITLOCK Manufacturer No IO1 Canal 1YI street NewYork Gilding id all its branches MACHINERY and MACHINE TOOLS Machinery Depot 62 Courtland street 0 Machinery Machine Tools and Woods Patent 'Planing Machines 1 pr A JiDREWS JERUP 67 Pine street New Yorks CnuxiiMion MerchsoUTor the Bale or all kindsMachinist's Tools and Cotton and Wallen Machinery from the best makers Exelfllive Agents for Lowell'z Machine bhop may 20 BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD or Cincinnati Louisville Indianapolis Columbus ZanesvUle Cleveland Toledo Chicago and St Louis THROUGH TICKETS for ail the above points cin be had at the Railroad Station in Washington Passengers leaving Washington at 6 A arrive ia Wheel ing in time to connect with the splendid steameri inches ter and DiufnKl for WeHsTiUe forty miles from Wheeling thence direct by Railroad to Cleveland Toledo Chicago and Alton thence by steamboat twenty five miles to SU Loms 1eaving Washington at 5 they will connect the next afternoon with the splehdid line" steamers cinnati and Uoilisville and for Indianapolis by Railroad from Lawrenceburg Through Tickets sold for Cincinnati Louisville and India napolis also for Zanesville and Columbus by National Road stages from Wheeling Passengers holding through tickets can lie over at any point on the route or information and tickets apply to II PARSONS Agenip Washington feb 6 tf DONE Master Transportation ORAMxE AND AJLKXANUK1A The cheapest most comfortable and expeditions route to the White Sulphur Springs passiug the Alum ann ana spring I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS erdinand zogbaum 4 co No 97 Maiden Lane Importers of yiolinz Guitars Aocordeons Strings Brass Instruments Ao 4 i NEEDLE9 ISH HOOKS aud TACKLE 4c Thomas bate (lateT 4T "MMden Lane Needlei ish Hooks ishing Tackle MITCHELL 4 POTT 45 Exchange Place Im porters of British Dry Goods Scotch and Irish Linens Dress Goods Ac ftl i ROBINSON 4 I CO i No 187 'Broadway IS1 Importers and Jobbers Lacs Goods Ribands Silks Embroideries Hosiery Gloves Sha wls Small Wares 4c TOHX DAVIES JONES 4 C(X Importers tl Hosiery urnishing Goods Manufoe tarers of Shirts Stocks Ties 4fc lO4Killiam street i Cl STRAHLHEIM 4 CO 69 Broadway Import I tell of Lao1 Millinery Goods Embroideries and Trim mings i lb I 1 i i i i 1 SCHUCHARDT" ROLICH 4 HOLTHAUSENj Noa 92 and 94 Liberty street Importers of rench Swiss and German Silks Ribands Velvets Vestings Satins! Serges 4c Woollens of every description I KnHT SAAT BROS 48 John street importers of Ladies' Dress I Trimmings Berlin loss Silks Elastic Braids Gold and Silver ringes Gimps Tassels But tons Stan Laces 4e 1 14 I i tjan rflm 1 i JOHN STANDARD Cotton Duck BEACH 4 CD No Pine street Ntfw Yorkole Agents Cotton Contrast from several other mills Also Osnaburgs Print Cloths and Copper Rollers for calico and sat tinet printers 71 4 1 7 NEW YORK AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE ALLEN (tote A Allen 4 Co) 189 and 191 Water street Agricultural and Horticultural Implements and Machinery ield and Garden Seeds and ertilizers Guano Bon Dust Phosphate of Lime Pbudrette Plaster 4c mar 10 3m iJ 'I 4 'i ACCORDEONS STRINGS Ac CHARLES BRUNO Importer and Wholesale Dealer in German rench and Italian Musical Instruf meats and Strings No 2 Maiden Ians jan If rU daguerreotypes 1 GURNEY No 349 Broadway the oldest and most extensive establishment in tho United States KENTUCKY MULES Just received direct from Kentucky a small lot of superior Mules which will be offered at fair prices Those in want would do well to call and see them Apply at Dar Livery Stables George town or Bale by july St SANDUSKY LUMBER The subscribers having established them selvos in the Lumber business at the old stand of Win Bird corner Sixth and streets are prepared to furnish all articles in tbe trade on favorable terms They solicit a share of public patronage GEO GARRETT 4 CO june ictf Union Star AMS1NCK 109 Pearl street New York begs to inform the trade that he has been appointed some time ago by Messrs Widow Harmony 4 Co Cadiz their sole Agent for the United States and'Will always have on hand a full stock of their Wines so long and favorably known by dealers and consumers eo6m ATEK POWER AND The Great aUs Manufacturing Cojupany' offer on liberal terms at the town of Potomac fifteen miles from Washington lots eligibly situated for manufacturing operations wi(b an ample and never failing supply of water on a head 'and fall of nearly eighty feet The attention of tbe manufacturing public is especially invited to an examination of this extensive pro perty which presents advantages to enterprise rarely to be found The Manager of the Company Mr Richard Hirst will show the property to those who mr visit it and any infor mation desired may be obtained at the Office on 7th street No 7 Washington Place July 8 2awtf STEAM ROM NEW YORK TO ENGLAND AND magnificent British Steamship 'IN DlAJNAp Ua XsAMBKRT wparww a irH for SauthamnLon on the 9th of August To passengers desirous of a speedy nassage to England or rance where they will ba taken by a branch steamer from Southampton this ship offers an oppor tunity rarely to be met with Her cabins are lofty roomy and well ventilated and fitted up in a superior style An ex perienced surgeon attached to the ship 7 Prices of pasiage irst ela8B $00 second class $50 or passage apply to SAND july eo3V II South William street New York NEW LINE SCREW STEAMSHIPS To ail het ween New York zu Glasgow THE Clyde Screw Steam racxet company new steamship Clyde is intended to tail far I31aarvrvw aa ainfinf rom New York CLYDE Wednesday August 23 at twelve noon 4 Rates of passage fees included) chief cabin $90 A limited number of third class passengers will bo taken and supplied with good and comfortably cooked provisions at $25 Berths not secured till paid for TheM screw steamships havfi been built' and fitted out ex presily for the trade on the most approved principles for se curing safety comfort and speed and carry each an ex perienced surgeon or freight or passage apply to ROBERT PATON I 30 Broadway New York Money orders granted on Glasgow in sums of £1 sterling and upwards payable on demand July 7t STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN NEW YORK AND GLASGOW The Glasgow and New York Steamship powerful newsteamships Glasgow (1962 tons and 400 horse power) Robert Craig commander Nxw York tons and 500 horse power) are appointed to sail as under viz 1 ROM NEW YORK Saturday August 5th at 12 noon ROM GLASGOW Tuesday July ifth PASSAGE MONXT irst cabin (saloon state rooms) Do (midship do Second cabin Rtawarrl1 pa 1 nl 11 ripfl A limited number of third class passengers will he taken supplied with provisions of good quality properly cooked at $25 Carries a surgeon New York city bills or gold only received for passages freight or passage apply to june tf McSYMON 33 Broadway New York CHEAP AND PLEASANT EXCUR sions Daily throughout the year by the Steamer BALTIMORE to and from Aquia Creek with dinner included for $2 only To families and others desirous of recreation and change of scene no better opportunity ean offer for such indulgence than is now daily afforded by the regular trips of the splendid and commodious Steamer Baltimore to Aquia Creek and back to Washington between tho hours of 6J A and 24 are for tho round trip including a good Dinner on boards $2 only or further information apply to Captain A Peck on board or to GEORGE MATTINGLY july 17 d2m Agent of tbe line in Washington DR INVIGORATING OOKD1AL A Phenomenon in Medicine 4 july 4t Proposals will be received by the undersigned until Thursday tho 3d day of August at 12 Kf for grading 13th street west at its intersection with Massa chusetts avenue Bidders will state the price per cubic yard for grading and cutting only will be paid for The earth to be deposited and spread at tbe cost of the contractor where the Commissioners may direct Bids to be left at the Mayor's office GEO I IV HARKNESS Commissioner irst and Second Wards WALLLNGSORD i MICHAEL GREEN Assistant Commissioners 7 fpo CARPENTERS AN The sub I scriber has now on hand and intends keeping at his Lumber Yard Wharf a large assortment of White? and yellow Pine Lumber I Carolina Timber dressed and undressed Carolina white Pine and Eastern 'Shore looring Spruce and hemlock Joist and Scantling Poplar cherry oak and ash plank from one to four inches thick 1 Lath's Shingles and Palings Also Lime Cement and Calcined Plaster Which Ke offers for sale jat fair price! and on accommoda ting terms Si Just received a cargo of No I Shingles own ma nufacture and a superior lot of 5 4 Hemlock Rails 4'THEODORE MOSHER Successor to Thomas Blagden near the Navy Yard 0 2 7 3taw2in 4law2mcp rpilE UNDERSIGNED is Agent' tor Renting CoL I lecting Rents Selling and Purchasing Lots or other pro perty to non residents and those who may choose to employ i him will find ib greatly th their advantage to do ho having bad some twenty years' experience in building houses in Washington and being thoroughly acquainted with all the mechanioalbranchoa thereof which will Suable him to keep property in order at a much cheaper rate (than most men be sides returns will be prompt and a perfect responsibility for Tall moneys entrusted to him 7 Not wishing to trouble the pub lic with a long list of references I shall simply content my 'self by tendering the names of those whom I daily serve in capacity and whose names are follows: Thomas Baker Eiq 1 Stephen ranklin Esq Thomas Blagden Esq Capt Wm A Maddox John Maury Mayor of Washington Office bn street between 8 th and 9th streets north of the Patent Office JAMES TOWLES 1 still continue to measure and cork Sentinel mar eotf LJLINY This celebrated new book of 4l Travels in Iceland' is just received at TAYLOR 4 MAURY'S Bookstore july 19 1 i near 9th street TO TUE THE great expe ud well known akill of Prof McClintock is a sufficient guaranty to the public that the following list jot Medicines such as have been con stantly used in his practice for the last thirty years will fully sustain by their effects the valuable qualities attributed to them and prove to bo the beit Medicines ever offered to the public Dr Pectoral Syrup An invaluable remedy for Bronchitis Consumption and all chronic diseases of the throat and lungs In all deep seated complaints of tho Pulmonary organs it has proved the most dale certain and rapid remedy ever employed in the exten sive practice of Dr McClintock or any of these forms of disease showing themselves as Cough Tickling of tho Throat Honso of Tightness in the Throat Spitting of Blood Difficulty nf Hfaathing Hoarseness or Loss of Voice and Hectic ever ips use will be attended with the happiest results while it ft pleasant to the palate and strengthening to the whole sys tem It contains no laudanum or opium in any shape Price $1 per pint bottle 9 II Dr Cold'and Cough Mixture I An infallible cure for recentCoughs Tickling of the Throat Tightness of Breathing Croup in Children Ao It contains ho preparation of opium Pripe 25 cents per bottle If I Dr Asthma and Hooping Cough Remedy An almost instantaneous relief for these distressing com plaints? This is the fruit of an immense experience and is astonishing in its effects No person need suffer a day from Asthma or Hooping Cough who will use it Price 50 cents pier hottie i I IV Dr Diarrhoea Cordial and CholerafPre ventive i A prompt and certain cure for Diarrhoea Dysentery and Cholera Morbus in all stages A sure preventive of Asiatic Cholera which no traveller or fomily should be without Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle Dr McClintocks Tonic Alterative Syrup I or purifying the blood The most powerful purifier ever discovered or all Scrofulous diseases Skin diseases Erup tions Boils Pimples Erysipelas Ulcers Sore Legs and all Rheumatic and Syphilitic complaints Ac I It is almost ex cellent spring medicine perfectly palatable and safe for children or females Price (pint bottles) $1 VI Dr McClintock's Dyspeptic EHHr 1 Dyspepsia or disordered digestion may be called the No tional Disease of America Its symptoms are headache gid diness nervousness low spirits dimness of vision with motes or specks before the eyes itching of the nostrils dull nbss of hearing and ringing in the cars disagreeable taste in the mouth eonstrictionfor weight about the chest difficulty ot breathing sense of suffocation in lying down or in ascend ing stairs palpitations or uneasy feelings about the heart irregular or deficient appetite sense of sinking at the stomach aridity heartburn pain or fullness of the abdomen and cos tiveness Some of these symptoms always appear in Dyspep sia? and sometimes the same patient has many of them at the same time or at different times: or attacking these Protean symptoms in their seat and source viz deranged condition of the digestive functions the Dyspeptic Elixir combines all the41uablc ingredients which the Vegetable Kingdom affords Taken in connexion with' tho 'Vegetable Purgative Pills in Cases where there Is much eoativeness or witn tho Anti Bilious Pills where the functions of the liver are irregularly discharged it will be found a most effectual remedy Prici (id pint bottles) $1 VII Dr McClintock's Rheumatic Mixture or internal use a purely vegetable combination for th cure of Rheumatism Gout and all Neuralgic and Rheumatii Diseases This remedy is offered with the utmost confidence It has been used most extensively and is as near a Specifii for! Rheumatic Diseases as the world has ever seen Prici bottle fifty cents VIII Dr 'Rheumatic Liniment An Infallible outward application for the relief of all rheu matic or neuralgic pains sprains swellings stiff neck stiff ness of the joints pains in the shoulders back or limbs Il affords immediate relief from cholic and pains in the stomaoli and abdomen As a counter irritant it is invaluable in al cases where an external stimulant Is needed Price (pel bottle) fifty cents IX Dr Me Clint Anodyne Mixture Or Pain Extractor used internally and externally for ths instant relief of all pains Toothache Headache Cholic Ague In the ace Chilblains Neuralgia Stone or Gravel Ac Ac No pain need be endured a moment by any person who will use this invaluable Anodyne Price 50 cents per bottle 4 Dr McClintock's ever and Ague Specific This has been found an infallible specific for this scourge of new countries and for intermittent fevers No traveller or re sident in any ague district should fail to provide themselves with this sure preventive Price $1 per bottle 1 XI Dr McClintoclds Vegetable Purgative Pills or the relief of Constipation! and all its painful results such as Headache Dizziness Sick Stomach Pains and all ths symptoms enumerated under tho 'Dyspeptic Elixir" Pfjct 25 cents per box XII Dr Anti bilious Pills or Liver Complaints and 11 forms of diseases arising from derangement of the liver with symptoms such as Diz ziness Headache Ringing In the Ears yellow furred tongue pain la the right shoulder sense of fullness or pain in ths right side disordered stomach or bowels deficient action oi the kidneys clay colored stools Ac Those Pills if taken in the insipient stages of Bilious uid Yellow or other evers will generally ward off the attack Priee per box 25 eente The above Medicines may he procured of all the principal Druggftts and Apothecaries in this District and of HkkfiBAW Agent Washington ap 7 ly I' DRY GOODS1 BORN SCHLIEPER A HAARHAUS Importers of German and Belgian Broadcloths Silks Horieries 4a No 50 Exchange Place fj I Bertrand freres henry importe oi Linen Cambrics and Linen Canibrio Handkerchiefs Linen Lawns Embroideries 4c (own manufacture) 21 WUUami street I 1 COTTENETI CO Importers of reiieh and other European Goods No 48 Broad street HILL BROTHERS Importers of Embroideries White Goods 4c 89 street I T7 WYETH 4 Co No 22 Broad streetImporter 1 of Embroideries LnceiWhite Goods Ac feb ylm DAGUERREOTYPE ENTERPRISE J' WHITEHURST has deeded to Trustees in trust for the benefit Of tho shareholders in the above enterprise' $50000 worth of real and personal estate to be disposed of among the holders of shares at the earliest possible date after the sale of all the shares The shares are $3 each which entitles the holder to an equitable shore in the within named magnificent collection of real and personal property also to one of $3 air Premium Daguerreo types of self or friend at any time when the certificate ia pre sented at either ot his Galleries in Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Lynchburg Wilmington and Peters burg I 1 Arrangements have also been! made to redeem the certifi cates with the following celebrated artists Gurney New Jersey City Cl Collins Philadelphia (Pa Springfield and Westfield (Mass) A Partridge Wheeling (Va) and Wm Porter Cincinnati (Ohio) The fact that this properly is deeded to trustees in trust residents of the District of Columbia for the benefit of the shareholders and wvery shareholder receiving a Daguerreo type Worth $3 and of the very finest quality and elegantly cased the high character and positions of those trustees and the great and extended reputation and business of Mr Whitehurst ho deems sufficient guaranties that the every promise of this advertisem*nt will bo promptly and faithful ly performed as the pictures to bo tsken wiil be distributed among many Galleries capable of producing 1500 daguerreo types per diem i Not more than fifty thousand shares will be sold Persons residing at a distance and wishing orders for a Daguerreotype which will entitle them to a share in the above enterprise will please enclose the amount post paid to Gallory V' ashington Hi lb us 4 Hitz agents for the sulo of orders in this city at their Music Depot south side of Pennsylvania avenue be tween Tenth and Eleventh streets in Georgetown at Miss book and fancy store High street near irst July codtf 1 1 HE1UTIUL AND ELEGANT RESIDENCE for Hale The undersigned offers for sale his resi dence situated in Georgetown corner of Green and Gay streets This presents one of the beet opportunities ever presented in Georgetown to obtain a superior dwelling The house contains fourteen rooms and is finished with 11 the modern improvements a bath house which furnishes all the rooms with water and cistern of water in the yard Tno lotis most eligibly situated surrounded with a splendid iron railing and the garden in a full state of cultivation with the most choice selection of flowers Terms made known on application JOHN CARTER I will also dispose of my horse and carriage July 25 eod3w Star NEW YORK fLD YERTJsem*nTS 1 from ZJ PettengiU Advertising Htnuej No 119 Nassau street New York HOTEL NEW YORK rice Red uced! THE UNDERSIGNED Proprietor of the abov Bamed well known and: long established Hotel takes this me thod of Informing the patrons of the haute as well as 1 he pub lic generally tbit he willjon the first of August rei uoa the price of Beard from Two Dollars per day to One Dollar and ifty Cents The attention of strangers and others visiting the! city ei ther for! business or pleasure is particularly directed to the eligibility of tbe location being situated in the heart of the business part of the city directly opposite the City Hall and public Offices and within! a short distance of the mos( promi nent places of Binusemsnt 1 1 A MILLEU july dim 'j and SBeekmian street Ne York TpPTEIN A HOMG No lOO Llberty Ltreet I'j smd 105 Cedar street comer of Trinity Place Importers bf Laces Embroideries Silks Ac 7 JACKSON dt SON of late firm ofhv 4 1 Jackson A Sqns Grate and ender Makers 246 ront street and 930 Broadway New Turk have constantly on hand every variety Of Grates aid 'Penders also qircnlar and square Gernmn Silver Grates Wholesale Dgalera sup pud i' 1 JOHN HAMILTON Attorney at Law Washington Office on Louisiana avenue between 4 and 6th streets 7 july eolSt 1 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE Boarding and Day School for Itoye Wilmington Delaware THE next term of this Institution commences upon the 1st Monday of September i Students can enter at anytime andiare charged only from the time of admission i' Catalogues atiting terms? Acu can be had at Taylor A Mau ry Bookstore Pennsylvania avenue or by applying to either of the Principals MEO HYATT i CANN eotSepl Principals RENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL OR YOUNG LADIES Ho 103 Monument street between Park and Howard streets '7 A Baltimore Mons DESPOMMIERS graduate of the Academy of Pa ris and Madame DESPOMMIERS Principals THE of the School will be( resumed on Monday the 4th of September lk This Academy is sitaated in the most and krtfni nori n4 tkanitir iA i urn lartre and airy with an ample play ground are admirably fitted for their de signed use The course of Instruction embraces the rench and English languages writing arithmetic algebira geometry history mythology' rhetoric composition rench and English litera ture geography chemistry astronomy natural and moral philosophy 1 Tbe rench being the language ilhe family is the lan guage of Jhe establishment i BXrKBESCESI George Tiffany Esq Baltimore Chatard do I John Brune Esq do John Whitridge do Wm Mayhew Jr Esq do Wm Schley Esq do Julius Pringle Esq South Carolina Rev Sommers NewYork Dwight Porter Esq Washington Institute Theodore Porter Esq 1 do do do Wm Dillingham Esq Philadelphia Besides the above names the Principals Confidently refer to the parents and guardians of fhe pupils they have had under their charge during the last academic year a list of whom is appended in catalogues containing all desirable Information respecting the institution These catalogties may be obtained at the school ou application personally or through the post office july 3taw3mdAc GEORGETOWN EMALE SEMINARY Georgetown Rev Wx Clabk and Mbs A Clabk Principals THE duties of this Seminary will be resumed on Monday September 1st The course of studies actually pursued in this Institution 'embraces a higher and more thorough range than that pur sued in any other emale Seminary in the Union 1 The location of the Seminary is remarkable for its salubrity The buildings are large tbe rooms capacious and the grounds for recreation are very ample 1 Terms for boarding pupils $200 per session ten months payable On the 1st of September and 1R of ebruary This charge includes boarding tuition jn English and Mathema tics room rent fuel lights add 'washing Music rench Spanish Ac Drawing and Painting extra Day Scholars from $5 to $10 per quarter according to the classes which they enter Reference ft made to Dr Grafton Tyler Capt Geo de la Roche Ridgely Esq Bunter Esq Taylor Esq rancis Dodge Esq Robert Dodge Esq and Dr 0 Linthicum Georgetown ill and to Jos Bradley Esq Aaron Dayton Esq and Mr itzhugh Coyle Washington 4 jy tf CHESTNUT STREET 1EMALE SEMINARY 525 Chestnut street Philadelphia I MARY BONNEY I I HARRIET A DILLAYE jli 1 Associate Principals The next Academic Year qf this Institution will commence September 1 1854 1 I Bll Mil CXS Rev A Boardman DD Rev Charles Wadsworth RevDavid Malin Mr Paul ones Philadelphia Mrs Emma Willard Mrs John Willard Troy Stephen Taylor LLD Hamilton Rev A Gillette Rev It Babcoek ew York: Rev Rij uller DD Balti more aller MD Hon Barnwell Beaufort Howard Malcom Ldiriihurg Pa Rev Kempton New Brunswick ltevJE Kambaut Savan nah Ga Rev Lathrop New York City Banjamin Day ton Esq St Louis Mo Hon A Turner A Exell Esq Warrenton George Douglass Esq Louisville Ky Albert Waterman Esq John Semple Esq Pittsburgh Pa jjuly 2m Kentucky military institute directed by a Board of Visiters appointed by the State is under the superintendence of Col Pl Allkm a distinguished graduate of West Point and a practical Rngineer aided by an able aculty int The course of etudy is that urually taught in the beet Col iei with the addition of an extended Bourse of Mathema tics Natural Science and Theoretic and Practical Engi neering I The entire buildings are heated with steam which renders the Institute unequalled in regard to health convenience ahd agreeableness of residence as it is unsurpassed in tho ough ness of instruction and strictness of government The health of the corps has been perfect not a single case of serious ill ness having occurred during the past year 1 The Eighth Annual Term will open oa the second Monday in September 1854 Entire charge $100 per semi anntlal session (surgeon's fee $2 extra) payable lin advance Address the Superintendent at Military Institute rank lin county Kentucky" or the undersigned 1 DUDLEY may 23 3m President of the Board TO CASH AND SIX MONTHS BUYERS ONLY ML HALLOWELL A CO Philadelphia have now open for the fall season a very (large and splendid assortment of Silk and ancy Goods Having an established of our house in Paris with a member of our firm permanently located there we will be enabled to receive direct constant kupplids of new and desi rable goods throughout the year Our stock of Embroideries and Lace Goods is unusually large and well assarted having been purchased abroad by one of our house who devotes his whole time and attention to this important department Upon entering our new warehouse which is one of the largest in America we adopted new termi which have been successful ini increasing our business in a ratio beyond all precedent I I We intend to further increase our business largely espe cially with those who buy for' cashk and believing that the fairest system in jobbing goods is ti have uniform prices we call the attention of the thinkihg merchant to the fact that under our system and terms we not only' can afford to) but must from necessity sell at lower rates than those who do business on the old long credit system our terms being more stringent and (be purchasers Whom we seek to attract being as a class the closest buyers and best judges of goods i TERMS Cash buyers will receive 'a discount of six per cent if the money be paid in par funds withinjten days from date of bilL Uncurrent money only taken at its market value onthe day it is received I To merchants of undoubted standing a credit of six months will be given if desired' 1 Where money ia remitted in advance of maturity a discount at the rate of twelve per cent per annum will be allowed They ask from merchants visiting the Eastern cities the favor of an examination of their fctock being satisfied that they will be convinced that it is no the large profits that are absolute givb long credits 7 1 I 4 1 Age One year Seven years or life 20 87 94 165 25 97 107 190 35 125 137 253 45 165 178 347 60 346 434 668.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.