The rise of the Villain Emperor: Karma - Chapter 37 - DekuvigilanceX2009 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Just then All Might shot at Izuku with Miruko and Yoroi Musha all ready to attack him at once. Izuku just smirked at that. He really liked fighting in melee. His Quirks made infinitely easier.

Impact Recoil~!!!

The three Heroes were sent flying backwards with the power of their own attacks causing Izuku to cackle madly at the hilarity of the action. Some people just never learn do they?! Not that the mastermind minded.

"Oh c'mon people!! You can't beat me if you try your damn hardest-"Izuku declared loudly as he felt something pierce him and pass through. Huh, that kinda tickled. Pain Blocker was really something wasn't it? Quirks were infinitely fascinating honestly.

Edgeshot used his special move on Izuku but the second he reformed, the green haired mastermind used Erasure and Explosion in the same time to stop him from getting away and then knock him out cold.

Izuku just cleared his throat after that distraction and restarted his monologue. "Well as I was saying.... c'mon people!! You can't beat me if you try your damn hardest!! I have more Quirks then you could possibly count and I am physically much more capable then most of you!! I am extremely skilled in combat and Knox exactly how to counter each and every one of you!! Spare yourselves the humiliation and surrender!!" Izuku declared flamboyantly as he looked at his still capable opponents. Hawks, Gang Orca and Best Jeanist were immobilized, Endeavour and Edgeshot were out cold and That only leaves All Might, Miruko, Yoroi Musha, crust and Ryukyu to fight him. That shouldn't be so bad-


Izuku felt a bullet hit his arm and scoffed, like bullets could somehow hurt him anymore with his regeneration... Wait why didn't it heal yet? It was six seconds already... He could also feel the pain somehow... He actually almost forgot what it felt like...

Izuku looked at his right arm and his eyes widened in surprise as he saw a red bullet like syringe stuck there... A Quirk supressing bullet... He was hit with a bullet that suppressed his Quirks...

He could feel his power vanishing... And the lighting around him fizzle out of existence and disappear. He felt the power drain from him and he no longer felt superior...


Everyone looked in surprise at what happened as Izuku clutched his still bleeding arm and grunted.

The still standing Heroes all looked in surprise to see on the bleachers The HPSC president holding a gun obviously the one to fire the shot at Karma.

The president narrowed her eyes at The Heroes and glared heatedly. "What do you think you are doing?! Kill that monster while you got the chance!! He is too dangerous to leave alive and I authorize lethal force!!" The president barked out.

The Heroes looked at her in shock at what she just said. Miruko and All Might especially looked disgusted by her orders. Ryukyu in her Dragon Form growled in outrage and Crust glared daggers at the president.

"Did you bitch seriously order me to kill a kid?! A kid that you cheap shot in the middle of a fight?! Who the f*ck do you think you are telling me what to do?! I won't listen to you psychotic bitch after all the revelations Karma displayed!! In fact once I am done with him I will kick your sorry villainous ass from this Colosseum!!!" Miruko yelled in outrage at the shocked and baffled president. Who was looking at Miruko like she was speaking a foreign language to hers.

"What she said you Witch!! I will arrest this kid yes, but like Hell I will kill him because some psychotic bitch that hurt so many innocents and manipulated so many children and snuffed them from their families for her own power-hunger and greed told me to!! In fact I actually think I should've let Karma kill you before coming to arrest him!!" Crust snapped and the president turned to him fearfully.

"Point is,presidentdon't treat us like we work for you. We are here to do our job, not save your villainous face from a very pissed off teenager that you illigallykidnapped his mother. You will face Justice yourself once he is incarcerated!! So do not think for a SECOND that you are above the consequences because trust me... NOBODY IS."All Might declared as he shot the woman a heated glare.

There was cackling and The Heroes turned to se Izuku cackling loudly as he was slowly clapping his hands and looking thoroughly amused by the new predicament. "Bravo! Bravo!! How Heroic!! Surprised but not really, you guys proved to have a Heroic sound so not surprised you wouldn't be ordered around by that old Witch. In fact I must admit that I am actually moved by your words!! You actually after all I did wouldn't kill me? Now that's a surprising turn of events!! It was an amazing show today honestly, the drama, the battles, the reveals of the darkness in our government, the slaughters and the exciting battles!! But unfortunately a spicific Witch had to ruin the show for us." Izuku shook his head then glared at the president who stepped back.

"I think it's time to surrender young man. I am afraid it's game over for you. You are temporarily quirkless and surrounded by powerful Heroes and have nowhere to go. So why don't you just raise hands in the air and surrender?"All Might asked as he stepped forward careful love.

Izuku tapped his chin in mock thought then looked at All Might with a tilted head and an innocent look. "Raise my hands in the air and surrender?" Izuku repeated slowly looking between the still conscious Heroes confused.

"Unless you wanna keep going then yeah do it, that f*cking bitch ruined our f*cking rematch with her cheap shot." Miruko said as she spat some blood on the ground.

Izuku just grabbed a combat a combat knife and readied himself for the fight between them as he narrowed his eyes at Miruko.

"Don't attack Assholes he's mine!!" Mirko shouted as she charged at the ready Izuku.

"Wait Miruko!!" The other Heroes called after the hot-blooded woman but she ignored them as she grinned at Izuku.

"Take this!! Luna Fall!!" Miruko threw and axe kick that Izuku moved slightly back from, the foot was few inches away from his face as it slammed into the pavement and shattered it.

Izuku, not intimidated by the show of brute strength charged at the grinning rabbit with his knife in a reverse grip as he slashed at her in an arc.

Miruko dodged and responded with a quick roundhouse kick that Izuku ducked under and threw an elbow at her face.

Miruko grabbed Izuku's elbow with her hand just to have his left foot slam into her gut and make her gasp as she was thrown back few meters from the strength of his kick.

Izuku followed after the woman ready to slash at her with his knife. "Did you forget that I debuted Quirkless?! Having my Quirk sealed is not a game over!!" Izuku shouted as slashed at her.

Miruko barely dodged and got her cheek slashed by the green haired boy who jumped back avoiding a devastating Luna Arc from The Rabbit Heroine.

"Hahaha!! Yeah sorry, your flashy Quirk's kinda stomped on that!! I actually wanted to fight the infamous Green Rabbit myself!!!" Miruko shouted with a savage grin as she jumped at the waiting Izuku.

The two kept on their fight, the other Heroes kept watching more out of honor not wanting to swarm a Quirkless fifteen year old, especially that Miruko is not endangered yet.

The two rabbits were on a stalemate more on the skill even though Mirko was much more stronger with her monster kicks Izuku kept dodging her attacks and reading her like an open book, not a single fake worked on him.

"Not bad kid!! Would've loved to have you as a sidekick if you became a Hero!!" Miruko yelled as she dodged another slash but she still got a cut, she was littered with those and she couldn't land a single kick in, only a couple lucky punches. This was fun!!

"Thanks but we both know the commission wouldn't have let a Quirkless be a Hero!!" Izuku said as he dodged another kick. This woman was as relentless as Tomura and as fun to fight!! Man, if those two ever met they would hit it off immediately!!

"Bigoted motherf*ckers!!" Miruko groaned loudly as she delivered and axe kick.

"Yeah." Izuku said as jumped back and Mirko followed him with a vicious grin in her face.


As he was about to dodge he was shot in the back making him grunt in pain and stop mid-motion. Miruko unfortunately was also in the motion for a kick and she slammed her foot into the green haired boy's gut.

"Guh!!" Izuku coughed blood as he was sent flying back from Miruko's strong kick. The Heroes around the two looked shocked at what just happened.

The Rabbits Heroine's eyes widened in shock before she growled and shot the president a murderous glare. "You f*cking bitch!! Did you seriously cheap shoot a kid in the back!! What the f*ck is your problem?!" Miruko yelled in outrage.

"Shut up you brat!! He is a mortal danger not a sparring partner!! That's why I used the Quirk supressing bullet on him!!" The president snapped reloading her gun.

Izuku just sighed at that as he picked himself off the ground with some difficulty. "Why am I shocked that a Witch like you would have a bullet made from the blood and flesh of a five year old girl? You actually seems to have a general hatred to all children after all." Izuku mused loudly gaining shocked looks from everyone around him and a horrified look from the president as she was exposed.

"MADE OF WHAT?!" Gang Orca who was buried on the floor besides Best Jeanist yelled in outrage and horror, Izuku knew for fact that the man had a soft spot for children.

Izuku just shrugged as he pulled out a picture from his pocket of an adorable six year old girl with long white hair and red eyes and a horn on the right side of her forehead smiling timidly at the camera.

"This my adopted daughter Eri... She was few months ago the lab rat of a man called Kai Chizaki who used to blend her dry then heal her with his Quirk for almost a year. She was the child I "kidnapped" from the Yakuza raid. Fun fact, she seems far happier then before since I kidnapped her." Izuku mused loudly to everyone to hear.

Everyone digested what they just heard, specifically the fact that the one who worked on nodding around Heroes had such a thing.

Izuku just shrugged at their shock as he raised his hands in surrender surprising everyone else in the ring. "Well... This the system that you fight to uphold Heroes!! Hope you are satisfied with it!!" Izuku declared until something passed and grabbed Izuku's outstretched hands.

A flying Nomu that had what seemed like like Jets on his back shot past them and grabbed Izuku as the boy winked at them. "A mastermind always has a backup plan Heroes!! Always!!" Izuku yelled and before they could react a warpgate opened and The Nomu holding Izuku passed through disappearing from their view.

There was a long pause at that before Miruko yelled in frustration.

"FUUUUUUUCK!!!!" Miruko yelled in outrage and frustration at the escape of Karma. She was having so much fun!! That f*cking Witch f*cked it all up!!

The Nomu landed on the rooftop of League Of Villains' after exiting the portal and Izuku stood up but barely as he felt himself bleeding out from the injuries.

Miruko's kick and the shots as well as the bruises were too much for him to handle. He stumbled forward as he tried to stand up.

"DEKU!!!" Izuku was caught by Melissa as she helped him up and swung his arm over her shoulder. The blond scientist looked at him with worry all over her face as she examined his injuries.

The rest of the League came right after she caught him looking extremely worried at their leader who looked completely messed up. His suit was torn up and he was covered in bruises and cuts and blood was leaking down from his mouth. All in all he was a mess.

Thankfully Momo was with the other girls along the group so with just a touch of her delicate soft hand the green haired mastermind was fixed back to new.

Izuku let out a sigh of relief as he looked at Momo with a thankful expression. "Thank you Momo-san, I appreciate your help." Izuku smiled gently as he stood up with Melissa's help.

The raven shook her head with a small smile. "This Quirk was your gift to me. It only makes sense I help you with it." Momo said fondly as she looked at Izuku.

"Oh my goodness Deku-kun!! They completely messed you up!! Are you okay?! Do you need me to bring anything?!" Himiko asked worried as she looked at the tired but now healed leader who shook his head with fondness.

"I am truly fine Toga-san. Really, I just want to relax for a bit." Izuku waved off the blond vampire's concerns with a smile.

"Are you sure you are okay Deku-sama?" Ochako asked in worry as she looked at Izuku barely able to stand with Melissa's help.

"I am fine Uraraka-san. Just very fatigued from all of today." Izuku assured.

"Well be fine boss, we don't want you to get too hurt. We don't want you to get killed or captured by those assholes." Kyoka said as she decided to make herself useful and help him walk from the other side.

"Yes, we really care about you my Lord. Please be fine." Toru said worried and Izuku sighed.

"Thank you guys, all of you." Izuku said we th a smile.

"But damn Boss, that Bitch really got you with those Quirk supressing bullets. Thought we took all of them down from the black market. How the f*ck did she get one?" Dabi commented and wondered with a scowl.

Izuku sighed softly as he gave a tired look to everyone. "The HPSC and LED were funders of Overhaul, he did seek me because he didn't want to stay under their thumb and start getting more villain reputation." Izuku explained as Melissa helped him walk.

Everyone looked surprised at that as they looked at Izuku in disbelief. "Wait a damn minute!! Those assholes actually funded that project?! What the f*ck?!" Spinner said in outrage as he looked more pissed off then ever.

"f*cking government." Mustard grumbled under his breath.

"My word, this truly despicable." Gentle shook his head and La Brava nodded along.

"So? The government secretly are corrupt Assholes? Yeah new info." Tomura scoffed in annoyance as he looked at his exhausted brother. Man he really got quite a beating against that Rabbit chick. f*ck this.

There was a bit of silence as everyone walked through the base of The League.

"So? Where's my mother?" Izuku asked gently as Melissa and Kyoka were helping him navigate through the base, even when healed he was still tired as hell from the fight and Miruko hits like an actual goddamn truck.

"Downstairs, wanna go see her?" Toga asked excited as she jumped into his personal space, Toga never seemed to understand that concept and always snuggled on him and even sometimes kissed him on the cheek randomly.

Such shows of affection were weird to Izuku honestly, she was too nice and touchy with him and for the life of him he didn't know why was that.

"Yes please Toga-san. I missed her so much." Izuku smiled and the girls holding him chuckled lightly at that.

"Alright then!! Let's go!!" Melissa said excited as she started walking faster and Kyoka followed her example.

Izuku almost stumbled but he still followed the two along with an excited smile on his face. He was gonna see his mom. He was gonna see his mom!! God knows how much he missed her. He has a lot to say. God he should've prepared what to say before hand. God damnit he prepared a speech on burning The HPSC but didn't prepare what to say to his mom. What the Hell?!

Izuku.sighed as he got into the living room to see... An interesting sight. Kuroguiri was holding what seemed like... his old photo album?! sh*t!! And the white haired miss, obviously Touya's mom was giggling on the photos along with Kuroguiri who looked absolutely happy at the pics... Great he will never live this down.

Hopefully the League don't see the photos. At least Kuroguiri seemed to like the photos as his mom pointed at them... His mom... She looked... Like she used to when he was a child... Tall and thin and just.... Happy. He doesn't remember last time she looked this happy but he will make sure it will stay that way. His mom deserves all love and happiness.

"And this is where he was wearing an All Might onesie!" Inko chirped as she pointed at a picture in the album with a happy smile on her beautiful face.

"Oh my God, your son is as adorable as my own children." Rei cooed as she looked at the pictures with a happy smile.

"Agreed madam. The Young Master was very adorable as a child." Kuroguiri agreed with what looked like a smile.

Izuku blushed as he looked at the scene, then he coughed into his fist to gain their attention. It worked... sh*t it worked.

They looked up and his eyes met his mother's. Red eyes met green and there was a pause where no one knew what to say.

Izuku gently let go of the two girls and stood up on his own without their help. And looked at his mother longingly. God how he missed her and her hugs. Her touch...

Inko stared at her son for what felt like an eternity... He was right there... Right there... Just in an arm's reach from her...

The green haired mother stood up slowly as she walked to him on the brink of tears. Oh God he grew up so much... He was so imposing now...

"Hey mom I-"


Everyone in the room winced at the sound of Inko's hand hitting her son's cheek. Her son just held his cheek with a loving smile on his face as he looked at her longingly.

"I guess I had that one coming. I am so sorry that you had to be caught in my mess. I am really and absolutely sorry." Izuku apologized softly as he looked at his mom.

"Why... Why didn't you ever contact me?! Why didn't you visit?! Or send a letter?! A text message at least?! Why?!" Inko asked now crying openly, like actual rivers.

Izuku looked at her sadly. "I thought... You would be better off without me... That with me gone... You could restart your life. And that people will stop giving you a hard time for having a Quirkless son. I thought you would be happy. That with me gone... You could finally rest." Izuku said looking down.

"Are you stupid?! You are my son!! I don't care what other people say or think!! It wasn't your fault you had a stupid extra toe joint!! If people are stupid it's their fault not yours!! And I could never be happy without you!! You are my son!! I literally care for nothing else!!" Inko said grabbing into a hug.

"I missed you...!!" Inko wailed out as she started crying.

Izuku smiled and hugged her back with some tears in his eyes. "I missed you too... More then you could possibly imagine." Izuku admitted with a smile.

That got many people to start tearing up themselves and smile.

"God damnit this is too much. I don't like this emotional scenes. And I can't skip either." Tomura muttered quietly as he looked away.

Dabi just chuckled. "Leave him man. He more then earned it." Dabi said as walked to the couch and sit beside his own mother who smiled at him.

"Hello dear, how are you doing?" Rei asked gently as she looked at her son with a smile.

"Pretty fine actually. Boss was generous enough to suggest I get you out with his mom and told me if I wanted to break you out to text the Team Terror and get to it." Dabi said with a smile.

After a bit of crying and sometime to calm down Inko was on the couch facing everyone while clinging to Izuku's arm like he would disappear if she let go.

"So? You three basically work for my son?" Inko asked surprised as she looked at the three girls she came to see as daughters.

"Yes. It's kinda awkward but Deku-sama kinda wanted to get updates on you without being a stalker." Ochako said sheepishly.

"And you get kids to take care of in his place so you wouldn't feel as lonely." Toru smiled happily.

"Well that's kinda sweet all things considered." Jirou said while twirling her ear phone like a strand of hair.

Inko looked at Izuku who looked at her sheepishly. "Well I knew you wouldn't resist looking after a lonely teenagers that had no one else to look after them and find some joy in that. And I would get updates on you too so two birds with stone." Izuku explained gently and Inko sighed.

"Well, at least you are here now. So? What happens now?" Inko asked curiously.

Izuku smiled brightly. "Well I had Twice and his clones move your things from the apartment to your new home. Let's go so you could meet my adopted kids." Izuku explained gently.

Inko perked up at that. "I actually wanted that since the footage in the USJ!! They are so adorable!!' Inko gushed and Izuku chuckled.

"That they are. I love them so much and I know you will too." Izuku assured gently then looked at Rei. "Well Rei-san. I actually prepared a place for you too since Dabi-kun asked me for it. That's if you want that is." Izuku said looking at the woman gently.

Rei looked at her son who gave her a thumbs up indicating it's for the best. Rei smiled at Izuku gently.

"That would be very kind of you Deku-san." Rei said gratefully.

"Alright great. Kuroguiri, would you do the honors? My Quirk's aren't back yet." Izuku asked Kuroguiri who nodded in understanding.

"Of course Young Master." Kuroguiri said as he opened a portal for them.

Izuku stood up and held his mother's hand while Dabi guided his mom gently to the portal and smiled happily.

"Bye everyone!! I will visit soon I promise!!" Inko said with a smile and everyone waved at her as she, Izuku, Tomura and Rei went through into the other side.

Tears of the Shimuras

"Why... Why didn't you ever contact me?! Why didn't you visit?! Or send a letter?! A text message at least?! Why?!" Inko asked now crying openly, like actual small rivers.

Izuku looked at her sadly. "I thought... You would be better off without me... That with me gone... You could restart your life. And that people will stop giving you a hard time for having a Quirkless son. I thought you would be happy. That with me gone... You could finally rest." Izuku said looking down.

"Are you stupid?! You are my son!! I don't care what other people say or think!! It wasn't your fault you had a stupid extra toe joint!! If people are stupid it's their fault not yours!! And I could never be happy without you!! You are my son!! I literally care for nothing else!!" Inko said grabbing into a hug.

"I missed you...!!" Inko wailed out as she started crying.

Izuku smiled and hugged her back with some tears in his eyes. "I missed you too... More then you could possibly imagine." Izuku admitted with a smile but it was obvious he was on the verge of crying.

Tomura's eyes widened in alarm as he looked at the resident bartender of the league in alarm. "Kuroguiri!! Grab the boat quickly!!" Tomura shouted confusing everyone.

Kuroguiri nodded quickly as he warped everyone inside a boat causing them to get confused.

"Izuku!!" Inko cried out a huge rivers of tears.

"Mom!!" Izuku started crying as much.

The room was easily flooded by the sea of tears causing the boat to sail and everyone else to gape.

"What the heck?! What type of Quirk's is this?!" Spinner yelled in alarm looking at the water baffled.

"Holy sh*t we are actually floating!!" Mustard said in disbelief.

Meanwhile All For One was watching from his tablet with a baffled look on his face. "That's not a Quirk! What The Devil is this?" All For One asked no one in particular as the kids set up the cake.

The doctor in his lab was wondering the same thing and all of his research proved that he didn't come across a Quirk with infinite tears.

At least the mother and son were reunited.

The rise of the Villain Emperor: Karma - Chapter 37 - DekuvigilanceX2009 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.